We are all content marketers now – Charles Cooper (The Rockley Group)

Another content strategy session this afternoon, this time with Charles Cooper from The Rockley Group.


Any information that we want people to remember is best told in a story. We have used many techniques over time to present stories as a form of communication. We have changed the way we display content to match the medium and the time is upon us to tell these stories at anytime, anywhere and using any number of mediums.

People learn better when they are engaged. If we focus on the output,mew tend to forget about the engagement, and feedback is good.


We need to move away from our broadcast default and learn to embrace conversation. Feedback is essential in many industries outwith our own.

Fewer than 40% of technical writers have any contact with their customers. Facilitation is available through CRM channels, amongst others.

Content marketing

There are many names for content marketing such as inbound and branded, but the discipline is the same.

Content marketing, when done well, contains a feedback mechanism that drives engagement and ownership among customers.

By understanding customer needs, content marketers have a goal to promote/invite deeper engagement. Within the content itself this could be in the form of related links, deeper links and rich media peripherals. Don’t make the customer search for depth and related content.

Customer satisfaction

Tools that don’t need a manual help to solve problems, anything more complex or convoluted only create problems and frustrations.

Titles are important and should be longer, inviting, memorable and contain your product name front and centre. This is different to technical communication where short, descriptive and task focused titles are needed.


Shareable content

Content marketers excel at producing content that is shareable and exchangeable. They create information with this in mind, providing tools and CTAs for this purpose and integration with dissemination channels. This provides the opportunity to extend the brand.

Rick media

Best practice for shooting rich media for use in content marketing:

  • Less than 2 minutes
  • No background audio
  • Shot in landscape
  • Use a tripod and use a microphone

Tell a story

Balance the provision of information with a good story. No need for an elaborate narrative, just enough arc to deliver the key information.

In summary

In summary, one way communication is dead. People carry devices with them all of the time, they expect to have conversations with businesses. Move from a closed cycle to one that embrace feedback and provide links so that your customers can spread the brand for you. Embrace rich media but embrace best practice, remember the story is important, whether told at length or short.

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